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What is the right age to start saving for retired life?

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What is the right age to start saving for retired life? Empty What is the right age to start saving for retired life?

Post by enidhi Thu Jan 31 2008, 10:53

How early do you think one should start saving for retired life?

Right from day 1? Sometime between the age of 30-35? Just few years before retirement?
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What is the right age to start saving for retired life? Empty Re: What is the right age to start saving for retired life?

Post by sidhartha Mon Feb 04 2008, 14:26

right form day 1......retirement planning should be done quite carefully considering all the factors including inflation and short term goals.....taking the unexpected into consideration...and all...then deciding on how much we can save and how much needs to be invested and returns...decide on the retirement plan.....remeber the golden rule.....100-(your age)= X.....X is the factor of your investments you should take a risk...either through equity or any other risky instrument in not put 100% in equity....

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What is the right age to start saving for retired life? Empty Re: What is the right age to start saving for retired life?

Post by ashwini Mon Feb 18 2008, 11:08

Yeah... exzactly....Start as early as possible...

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What is the right age to start saving for retired life? Empty Re: What is the right age to start saving for retired life?

Post by simranjeet Mon Nov 16 2009, 17:02

you think the expenses are going to reduce once you retire which is not actually correct. Think again, about your standard of living, medical expenses of old age, responsibility of your spouse too.
Find out how much money you would require to save per month today so when you will retire your worries about expenditures will pang at bay.

Click here


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What is the right age to start saving for retired life? Empty As early as possible:

Post by nitikasnv Mon Jan 18 2010, 16:07

sidhartha wrote:right form day 1......retirement planning should be done quite carefully considering all the factors including inflation and short term goals.....taking the unexpected into consideration...and all...then deciding on how much we can save and how much needs to be invested and returns...decide on the retirement plan.....remeber the golden rule.....100-(your age)= X.....X is the factor of your investments you should take a risk...either through equity or any other risky instrument in not put 100% in equity....


Ya as soon as you start your planning for future will be beneficial.

Obviously how much to save ,how much need to be invested will depend on the retirement planning.



Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2010-01-18

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What is the right age to start saving for retired life? Empty Re: What is the right age to start saving for retired life?

Post by anushgill Mon May 10 2010, 10:04

That's a brilliant topic to discuss, retirement planing should be done very meticulously and cautiously. Retirement is when you need more savings and income too. It is always better to invest in a plan that not only saves for your immediate and unforeseen needs but also gives you a constant income for your sustainability.

And yes, the sooner the better! Smile


Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2010-05-10

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What is the right age to start saving for retired life? Empty Re: What is the right age to start saving for retired life?

Post by seenathkumar Tue May 25 2010, 14:26

Really thanks for all these information it will really to pan better retirement plans.

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What is the right age to start saving for retired life? Empty Re: What is the right age to start saving for retired life?

Post by srujanaa4 Wed Aug 04 2010, 17:16

hi..Thanks for sharing information.
Its really a knowledgeable thing and everybody should know this.



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What is the right age to start saving for retired life? Empty Re: What is the right age to start saving for retired life?

Post by Filson Thu Aug 19 2010, 17:54

You should start to think about retirement when you are fifteen. The earlier you start to save in an IRA, the more interest you gain, the more money for your retirement.

Of course, you are young and there may be other obligations such as children, which require your money. That said, please do not forget the IRA.


Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2010-08-16

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